I have some thoughts.
I went to see the movie Battleship the other day, and it was really good! Of course, I would recommend The Avengers first any day, but Battleship was right up there. It was filled with intensity, action, just the right amount of drama...
It really stirred up a fighting spirit in me. I wanted to go out and join the Navy.
But seriously. This is what hit me the hardest. The main character is this self-absorbed dude that hasn't learned to be a mature leader and hasn't learned the value of other people. Near the beginning, he knocks the older techniques and battleships, saying they're like dinosaurs...
So there's a point in the movie where leadership of the group defaults to him. All of their ships are done for, and they're out of options. He has a change of perspective and realizes that their only chance is to go with the old-school way... bringing out the classic battleship and very humbly asking the veterans to honor them by fighting alongside and manning the ship with them.
In that moment, the two previously-distanced generations join together, locking shields, united under a common goal. There is no judgment or in-fighting; they are joined together, fighting to save the world.
And they succeed!
And at that point (through my tears) I realized: This is the heart of God!
We have such a wealth of wisdom and knowledge, greying and growing slower just within our reach. Our motto should never be "Out with the old, in with the new." These are people who know about life and have a rich history with God, full of His faithfulness and salted with His character. What a privilege it is to move from that foundation, to glean from the stories.
We might be more tech-saavy, stronger, more in-tune with culture. But we've only just begun. They're closing in on the finish line.
Lately, I've been so moved with gratefulness that God would give me such wonderful grandparents. They've paved the way for the generations to come with their walk with God and their obedience and love for Him.
It stirred in me a desire to pray for them, as their precious lives are nearing to a close. That God would continue to draw near to them and bless them. That His face would continue to shine on them. That He would always be their source of life. That he would ease their ailments, physical and otherwise.
And that as they look at their posterity, their gift from God, they would be pleased. That they would be overwhelmed by God's goodness and the way he fulfills His promises.
Pray for your grandparents! If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't be here! :)
Love y'all!