Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm not who I was...

Hey friends! 

God is so good... did you know? :)

One and a half years ago He brought me here to Texas and started transforming my life, one day at a time. 

And He brought me some really stellar friends. :)

One of which surprised me with a little something to hang on my wall! :) 

Left side(top 2)- DTS pics; Right(top 2)- SOE pics
Bottom Left: Love feast 11/2011
Bottom Right: Meganne's Rehearsal Dinner 3/2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday morning...

Hello party people! :)

I have a new/old roommate! :) Once upon a time in DTS, me and Sarah were roommates... and now we're on staff, and we're roommates again! :) So fun! I've really enjoyed having her around again!

Me and Sarah in DTS :)

We also have a special fan in our room... for some reason, it won't ever point where we want it to point. It has an unnatural affinity to the ceiling...

In other news, my office-mate has been partying it up with VBS stuff for the past two days. She's the fun one around here I guess... :) 
Kathryn and the VBS opossum...

And! My good friend Meganne is back today from her honeymoon! I missed that girl!!! :)

Angie, McKenna, Meganne, Kaleigh, Me, and Juni :)

That's all for today I guess... have a good one, and be blessed! :)
