Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Glorious Father...Eph. 1:17-18

One thing that I've really appreciated about DTS so far is the new perspective I've been given on many different verses. Even verses that I've heard all my life and not really thought about.

John 14:6- Jesus says "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." My generation has been called "the fatherless generation."  We have an inability to relate properly to our Heavenly Father because of our earthly fathers, or because of their absence, so many of us will go to Jesus...and stop there. That's not how it should be! Jesus said, "I am the way..." not, "I am the destination." It is through Jesus that we have access to the Father, and we should run to Him! He is so much more loving and glorious than our earthly fathers (no matter how good or bad they are). 
This is where I sleep! :)

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