Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This week has been really great so far! :) Our teacher is brilliant... I heard a rumor that he has the Bible memorized in three translations! Anyway, he really knows a lot. We've been asking him all of our deep questions about what tough scripture passages mean, and he's had some kind of answer or explanation or insight into what the original text said, for every single one! Even stuff like, if dinosaurs or aliens are mentioned in the Bible... it's been really, really awesome.

I've been hearing a lot from God through the Psalms...it's amazing. I'll turn to a psalm and God will speak specifically about a situation that I'm dealing with, for that day. Today it was Psalm 69... God knows our hearts and our sins, and the things that we've turned to for comfort instead of him.
And this is my prayer from this psalm (vs. 6):
"Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me, O Lord God of hosts; let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me, O God of Israel."

My work duty... Dinner clean-up :)

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