Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!

Hands down, my favorite cold weather, comfort food! :)
And it sure is cold outside! and windy.

Well, this week we have the cutest old man (I think i say that about all the old men teachers....) teaching this week on the Father Heart of God. It's been really neat to hear all of his stories and how God has revealed His father heart through this man. What a neat guy!

It's also the week before ministry prep week...and for some reason, we're starting ministry prep this week too. Which is kind of stressful :(  I'm going to be a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Teacher, I'll be a demon in the Clincher Drama, and I'll be one of the dancers in a dance we're doing. PLUS! I have to finish my classes before Christmas break. ahhhh!!!!  So much to do. and so little time. We have special classes for teaching and for the drama, so i'm up and ready to go by eight and back in my room at 10.

I realize, that seems okay. But, it's really not. because, i have like, 2.5 hours in the middle of the day to do everything *I* need to do, because we're in class the rest of the time. kind of a rigid schedule. But it will be worth it!

Please pray that God gives me the grace, time, energy, and intellect to finish everything that I need to, on time!

My friend Maggie blessed me with a coffee mug that she said matches my eyes :)

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