Thursday, November 18, 2010

Spiritual Gifts

Hello friends! This week we have a prophetess here teaching us about Spiritual Gifts and fun things like that. :) We had an interesting discussion about speaking in tongues, and then she coached us on how it's done. I'm still not sure what I think about it, but it was a really good class time. :) And some of the people who were speaking in tongues put phrases that they were saying over and over into google, and found out that they were names for God in other languages, or phrases of praise and adoration in other languages. It was really neat!
And! yesterday, my throat was healed during class! it was the strangest thing I have ever physically experienced. My throat had been really hurting and almost felt like it was cracking and bleeding or something... really painful. and as we were praying in class saying that we were open to the spiritual gifts and that we wanted to receive them, the speaker just said, "...and God, we just pray for healing in this room..." and i felt the pain in my throat start to go away, like a circle getting smaller. I cleared my throat and swallowed, and it didn't hurt. I even talked, and my voice was normal and not pained. my nose was still stuffy though, so when she asked the sick people in the room to come forward for prayer, i went. the first step i took, my nose was completely unclogged. it was the strangest thing.

Today, my throat is still great, but i'm sneezing and snotting and my eyes are watering...pretty much all the time. not so fun, but i'm really grateful for having the opportunity to experience healing like that. It was so crazy, but awesome. :)

me and the kitchen clean-up crew

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